Wednesday, November 27, 2019

504 Plans for Students with Dyslexia

504 Plans for Students with Dyslexia Some students with dyslexia are eligible for accommodations in school under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination based on a disability in any agency or institution which receives federal funds, including public schools. According to the U.S. Office for Civil Rights, students are eligible for accommodations and services, as needed, under Section 504 if they (1) have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or (2) have a record of such an impairment; or (3) be regarded as having such an impairment. A major life activity is one that an average person can complete with little or no difficulty. Learning, reading, and writing are considered major life activities. Developing a Section 504 Plan If parents believe their child needs a 504 plan, they must make a written request to ask the school to evaluate a child for eligibility for accommodations under Section 504. But teachers, administrators and other school personnel can also request an evaluation. Teachers might request an evaluation if they see a student having chronic problems in school and they believe these problems are caused by a disability. Once this request is received, the Child Study Team, which includes the teacher, the parents and other school personnel, meets to decide if the child is eligible for accommodations. During the evaluation, the team reviews recent report cards and grades, standardized test scores, discipline reports and talks with parents and teachers about school performance. If a child has been privately evaluated for dyslexia, this report will probably be included. If the student has other conditions, such as ADHD, a doctors report may have been submitted. The educational team reviews all of this information to decide if a student is eligible for accommodations under Section 504. If eligible, the team members will also offer suggestions for accommodations based on the individual needs of the student. They will also outline who, within the school, is responsible for implementing each of the services. Usually, there is an annual review to determine if the student is still eligible and to review the accommodations and see if changes need to be made. The General Education Teachers Role As the teacher, general educators should be involved in the evaluation process. During the evaluation, teachers are in a position to offer an insider view of the daily problems a student is having. This may mean completing a questionnaire to be reviewed by the team, or you may elect to attend the meetings. Some school districts encourage teachers to be in the meetings, giving their perspective and offering suggestions for accommodations. Because teachers are often the first line in implementing classroom accommodations, it makes sense for you to attend meetings so you better understand what is expected and you can voice objections if you feel an accommodation would be too disruptive for the rest of your class or too difficult to carry out. Once the Section 504 has been developed and accepted by the parents and the school, it is a legal contract. The school is responsible for making sure all aspects of the agreement are carried out. Teachers do not have the ability to decline or refuse to implement accommodations listed in the Section 504. They cannot pick and choose which accommodations they want to follow. If, after the Section 504 has been approved, you find that certain accommodations are not working in the students best interest or interfere with your ability to teach your class, you must talk with your schools 504 Coordinator and request a meeting with the educational team. Only this team can make changes to the Section 504 Plan. You may also want to attend the annual review. Usually Section 504 plans are reviewed on an annual basis. During this meeting the educational team will decide whether the student is still eligible and if so, whether the previous accommodations should be continued. The team will look to the teacher to provide information about whether the student utilized the accommodations and whether these accommodations helped the student within the classroom. Additionally, the educational team will look toward the coming school year to see what needs the student has.References: Frequently Asked Questions About Section 504 and the Education of Children with Disabilities, Modified 2011, Mar 17, Staff Writer, U.S. Department of Education: Office for Civil Rights IEPs vs. 504 Plans, 2010 Nov 2, Staff Writer, Sevier County Special Education Section 504 Handbook, 2010, Feb, Kittery School Department

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Create a Mouseover Color Highlight Using Delphi

Create a Mouseover Color Highlight Using Delphi Have you ever seen a menu or table column or row highlight to a different color when your mouse hovers over it? Thats what our goal is here: to have a row become highlighted when the mouse pointer is within range. The TDBGrid Delphi component is one of the jewels of the VCL. Designed to enable a user to view and edit data in a tabular grid, the DBGrid provides various ways of customizing the way it represents its own data. For example, adding color to your database grids will enhance the appearance and differentiate the importance of certain rows or columns within the database. However, dont be fooled by over-simplistic tutorials on this topic. It might seem easy enough to just set the dgRowSelect property, but remember that when dgRowSelect is included in Options, the dgEditing flag is ignored, meaning that editing the data using the grid is disabled. What youll find below is an explanation on how to enable the OnMouseOver type of event for a DBGrid row, so that the mouse is recorded and located, making the record active so as to highlight the corresponding row in a DBGrid. How to Work With OnMouseOver and Delphi Components The first order of business is writing code for the OnMouseMove event in a TDBGrid component so that it can locate the DBGrids row and column (cell) that the mouse is hovering over. If the mouse is over the grid (handled in the OnMouseMove event handler), you can use the MoveBy method of a DataSet component to set the current record to the one displayed below the mouse cursor. type THackDBGrid class(TDBGrid);...procedure TForm1.DBGrid1MouseMove (Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var gc: TGridCoord;begin gc: DBGrid1.MouseCoord(x, y); if (gc.X 0) AND (gc.Y 0) thenbegin DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.MoveBy (gc.Y - THackDBGrid(DBGrid1).Row); end;end; Similar code can be used to show which cell the mouse hovers over and to change the cursor when its over the title bar. In order to correctly set the active record, you need to hack a DBGrid and get your hands on the protected Row property. The Row property of a TCustomDBGrid component holds the reference to the currently active row. Many Delphi components have useful properties and methods that are marked invisible, or protected, to a Delphi developer. Hopefully, to access such protected members of a component, a simple technique called the protected hack can be used. With the code above, when you move the mouse over the grid, the selected record is the one displayed in the grid below the mouse cursor. Theres no need to click the grid to change the current record. Have the active row highlighted to enhance the users experience: procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell (Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);beginif (THackDBGrid(DBGrid1).DataLink.ActiveRecord 1 THackDBGrid(DBGrid1).Row) or (gdFocused in State) or (gdSelected in State) thenbegin DBGrid1.Canvas.Brush.Color : clSkyBlue; DBGrid1.Canvas.Font.Style : DBGrid1.Canvas.Font.Style [fsBold]; DBGrid1.Canvas.Font.Color : clRed; end;end; The OnDrawColumnCell event is used to handle the need for a customized drawing for the data in the cells of the grid. You can use a little trick to differentiate the selected row from all the other rows. Consider that the Row property (integer) is equal to the ActiveRecord (1) property of the DataLink object that the selected row is about to be painted. Youll probably want to disable this behavior (the MoveBy method in OnMouseMove event handler) when DataSet connected to a DBGrid is in Edit or Insert mode.​

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Democracy - Essay Example The entire organization will then implement the alternative choice that has the most number of votes. This is the normal situation in a corporation or partnership. This is also further exemplified by the yearly high school class election of officers. Democracy, in general, means that the government is run by people elected by the people within its territorial jurisdiction. Therefore, indirectly, the people control the government. The present day democracy has the three pillars of democracy. The three pillars are Initiative, Referendum and Recall where the government leaders go directly to the people to ask their opinions and approval of some national issues. Democracy comes from the Greek word meaning "rule by the people". Democracy has been accepted as the origin of democracy because it started when they right of democracy to a few minority of the adult inhabitants in the city. The three famous Greek philosophers, Plato, Aristotle & Thucidides, depicted democracy as the government of the ignorant or government of the poor. In the Federalist, James Madison assumed that democracy involved direct rule by the people and stated "democracies have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths (Hamilton et al., 1908) Democracy then was concentrated on the male voting population. ... Democracy has its advantages but it also has its disadvantages. On the other hand, there are countries where the people believe that their form of government is far superior in the democratic form of government. According to Sartori, Modern man wants a different kind of democracy (Santori, 1987) The Communist party of the Soviet Union has recently changed its stand on democracy. From its former stand of saying that democracies are a kind of sham where the workers are told that they could improve their economic position in life through the election ballot. Its new stand is that The Soviet Union, in its 1936 constitution, described itself as DEMOCRATIC institution. The regular election of the people's government representative is done in order to the elected officials to wake up to the reality that they owe their position to the people electing them. Henceforth, these people's representatives must do everything in their power to voice out and accomplish what their constituents want accomplished within the time period that they are in. The Americans formerly called democracy as REPUBLICAN form of government.But if democracy is the right for the people to vote either directly thru plebiscite.., or indirectly through electing their government representatives, is it still democracy when only a small sector of the entire population is allowed to vote or elect their representatives This is very evident in the African countries where the small population of whites is governing a largely black and colored population.Well, the answer depends on who is answering the question. For an white person, this is a democratic process but to a black and colored person, there is no democracy because they have no

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Human Resource Management-Research Project Research Paper - 1

Human Resource Management- Project - Research Paper Example Global organizations should engage in the best practices with regards to the people side of the organization because they can be a source of competitive advantages that can help them survive the mounting pressures of the fast-changing global business environment. Following a promotion that put me in charge of a junior employee at the City Bank, I have been tasked to recruit a replacement to my former Head of Finance position and to oversee the new recruit in discharging bank’s goals and objectives. After a thorough job analysis, I have developed a detailed job description, recruiting plan, Selection strategy (including testing and interviewing), performance evaluation, motivation, employee training, and development. Job Description City bank is a leading financial institution that seeks to recruit a self-driven and experienced Head of Finance; the successful candidate will take charge of the financial management function of the bank ensuring the establishment of appropriate fi nancial plans that will secure the bank’s assets from potential loss. The individual will be responsible for ensuring the bank has appropriate policies and processes and their optimal controls, and carrying out analyses and financial projections in support of the bank’s strategic growth, generate the annual financial budgets and monitoring of the bank’s progress versus these goals. The job also entails maintaining comprehensive yearly cash-flow forecasts, carrying out strategic financial analyses, ensuring the bank’s compliance with regulatory laws, maintaining good relationships with suppliers and other service providers, and supporting external auditing processes. In addition to that, the individual will develop and execute investment plans to ensure maximization of outcomes, continually review and upgrade the accounting systems and procedures in line with the bank’s operating systems, manage and optimize the IT platform to ensure efficiency in d ata keeping and retrieving. Recruitment Plan The key guidelines for the recruitment plan are the specific skills and competencies that are desirable for the position of the Head of Finance position in the bank, advertising mechanism, and the applications evaluation criteria. Applicants must have a Degree in accounting or financial management and at least 10 years’ worth of experience in financial services; desirable skills for the job include financial accounting, planning, and management expertise. Apart from that, prospective candidates must also be experienced in the development of banking policies and procedures, budgeting and budgetary controls. Knowledge of tax laws and regulations, excellent IT skills and in-depth knowledge of accounting software and staff management, development and discipline skills will be an added advantage.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sexual discrimination Essay Example for Free

Sexual discrimination Essay Sexual discrimination still happens in the workplace even if it has been outlawed many years ago through the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2002). While a firm may not be expressly vocal about it, certain cultures prevail that snobs sexual diversity. Conley and OBarr put it that the pension funds and other financial services industries are among those that are generally intolerant to gays or lesbians. This is the dilemma facing George Campbell, an executive at financial advisory firm Kirkham McDowell Securities. George has to make a decision concerning one of its employees decision to bring his partner to a major company social event. Adam Lawson, a 29-year old associate at Kirkham, has been with the firm for two years. During this period, Adam has proven his mettle by bringing in lucrative businesses for the company, a fact that is to be acknowledged in Kirkhams silver anniversary banquet. Adam is gay and has been living with a lawyer for five years. He told George that he intends to bring Robert to the banquet. George is fearful of how the firms clients would react to the action and how it would impact the business reputation and its bottom line. Problem Identification In this situation, Georges main problem lies with how certain groups of people would react to homosexuality. First, senior management may not approve of Adam announcing to the entire assembly that he is gay. Being traditional, these people may think that being gay is unacceptable and this could hurt Adams career. Second, the companys clients include those that are also conservative and traditional, and Adams bringing of his partner to the banquet could cause them to bring their business to another firm. Third, George is worried that Adams coming out would negatively impact Kirkhams reputation in the industry. Georges fears are well founded. He knows the corporate culture as he has been with the company for many years. Even in other industries, openly supporting gay and lesbians could harm customer relationship. As example, McDonalds partnership with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has been met with criticisms from traditional sectors (The Traditional Values Coalition, 2008). This is the kind of issue that George wants to avoid. Supporting Facts, Assumptions and Analysis Workplace diversity is becoming the trend in many industries (McInnes, 2000). Even a conservative one such as the banking sector recognizes the benefits and advantages of encouraging and nurturing a diverse workforce. Bank of America has a very good diversity program in place that serves the company well. This is a fact that George Campbell should face with alacrity. This is an opportunity for the firm to be a catalyst of change in an industry that is discriminating to people because of their sexuality. By allowing Adam to bring Robert to the banquet, it would give Kirkham a reputation of being a fair employee. Treating its employees fairly translates to the company being fair in its other dealings, certainly a plus factor with any client. As Woods has said, choosing the ethical way would prove beneficial to the company in the long run. While George assumes the worst, he should not discount his own reaction to Adams disclosure. He did not find it repulsive to be working with a gay person. Taking this as an example, it is highly probable that their clients and the senior management would also have the open-mindedness to accept the fact and respect Adams private issues. Being a responsible manager, Georges consideration of all issues is called for. He is weighing the issue from all angles. But as Adam puts it, the matter wont be an issue if no one would make it so. Adams talking with George about it implies that he trusts the manager to be a fair and open-minded person. It also implies that Adam knows his worth as an employee and wants to be recognized and valued for his work and not because of his private life. Best Possible Solution The obvious solution to this problem is for George to support Adams decision. It would affirm Adams trust in him and lift the worry from the associates shoulders. It is high time for Kirkham to adapt to the changing dynamics in the workplace. Losey asserts that the best managers would take this action. Adam is a valuable asset to the company and Kirkham should not let his sexual orientation get in the way. Besides, Adams five-year partner is a respectable lawyer who could probably send clients their way. Also, if Adam wont be allowed to bring Robert, he would feel the discrimination deeply and this could result to his resignation from the company. Since Adam had come to Kirkham at 27, it is likely that he left his previous employer because of sexual discrimination. If this will be the ending, Adam could move to another company and bring with him his clients. Feasibility of Solution George is definitely taking a risk by openly supporting Adams sexuality. There are two probable results to the solution. The first one would make Georges fears come true. The firms most conservative clients would frown at the change and bring their business elsewhere. However, other firms could also be shifting their paradigms to embrace diversity, forcing the conservative clients to adapt. The second result would allay Georges fears. The clients would not mind dealing with a company that chooses to be legally and ethically correct. Should this happen, Kirkham would be bringing change not only to its offices but to other companies as well. Between the two, the second is more likely to happen as managers and companies understand the need to empower the workforce. One way of doing this is to encourage diversity in whatever form. The traditional and conservative clients may not be a hundred percent sold to the idea but it would be willing to tolerate a firm that produces good results.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Factors Affecting Research Culture at Universities in Pakistan Essay

Abstract— Research is an integral part of the higher education. Teachers and students spend weeks to find a good topic related to the field of study, data collection and analysis and finally in writing papers. Conducting research and writing papers creates a healthy activity amongst faculty and students which results in knowledge creation and emergence of research culture. Faculty at universities could be divided into two broad categories of teachers and researcher. These categories are good in their preferred field only. The challenges faced by the faculty related to research vary between private and public sectors too. However, this research shows that the leadership, curriculum, people, external environment and research experience are important factors for a research culture at universities. Keywords— research, university, higher education, leadership, faculty and inter-personal collaboration I. INTRODUCTION Research could be described as the first step in knowledge creation, which starts with search, passes through the steps of learning, teaching and ends at knowledge creation. Academia has an important role in the dissemination of knowledge to the wider society through direct and indirect interaction. A product of an individual, group or society of intelligent beings is known as culture, showing that culture is learnt through research. Therefore, the research culture can be defined as the act of knowledge creation, sharing and translated into action [1]. The term research culture is a combination of two words research and culture. The word research means â€Å"a careful or diligent search† or â€Å"the process of collecting information about a particular subject†. On the other hand the word culture could be explained as â€Å"the act ... ...ding for such activities are respected for their work as well as the funding that they attract [9]. Universities have two basic purposes of existence - teaching and research – both of which are public trust, therefore, the universities have to prove worthy of it. Universities in the developing countries are not allowed to perform independently. Furthermore universities lack resources if the government support is withdrawn. Therefore, they need to find necessary resources to be able to survive. This can be done by becoming innovative and accessible to as many as possible [11]; [12]; [13]. While studying the research culture in Caribbean universities, [14], it was mentioned that the research culture is one of the pre-requisites for a country to be able to find solutions to their problems rather than importing and adapting the knowledge created in other countries.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

With specific reference to the EU’s doctrine of direct effect, critically assess the extent to which EU law concerning commercial activities are enforceable within member states.

Introduction The extent to which EU legal rules and principles, concerning commercial activities, are enforceable within member states will be critically assessed in this essay. This will be done by reviewing certain aspects of EU law and considering the extent to which EU law can be invoked under the principle of direct effect. It will be shown that whilst individuals and businesses will be capable of invoking EU law through national courts, this will always be subject to restrictions to ensure that the market is not being distorted in anyway. Main Body The ‘direct effect’ principle is used to confer rights or impose obligations upon individuals in accordance with European Union (EU) law. National courts are bound under this principle to recognise and enforce certain EU legal rules and principles (Dashwood, 2008: 229). If EU law is inconsistent with a law of a member state, the doctrine of supremacy seeks to ensure that EU law prevails. Direct effect was first established in Case 26/62 Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen [1963] ECR 1 when it was held by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that individuals rights, as enshrined under the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, were capable of being invoked before the courts of EU member states. This case demonstrated how EC Treaty provisions were directly effective against members states, and was a welcoming development in ensuring that member states complied with their Treaty obligations. As a result of this doctrine, EU law is enfor ceable within all member states, which has an overall impact upon many commercial activities. This was recognised by Moens and Trone who pointed out that; â€Å"the importance of this unique feature lies in the fact that it is futile for business people to seek to invoke a legal act of an EU institution which could not be relied upon in a national court† (Moens and Trone, 2010: 367). Firstly, in order to be able to rely on a legal act of an EU institution, it is necessary to establish whether the act is directly effective. If the act is not directly effective, then its provisions cannot be relied upon in a national court (Moens and Trone, 2010: 367). The ECJ in Van Gend en Loos formulated a test to determine whether a treaty provision has direct effect. In doing so, it was noted that a treaty provision will be directly effective where â€Å"a) its text is clear and unambiguous; b) it imposes and unconditional prohibition; and c) its implementation does not depend upon any further legislative action by the Member States† (Moens and Trone, 2010: 367). It was made clear in Case 2/74, Defrenne v SABENA [1974] ECR 631 that there exists two different types of direct effect; vertical and horizontal. Vertical direct effect is the relation between individuals and the state, whereas horizontal direct effect is the relation between individuals (Kaczorowska, 2013: 264). The ECJ in Belgische Radio en Televisie v SV Saban (127/73) [1974] ECR 51 held that the competition rules enshrined in Arts 101 (1) and 102 (previously Arts 81 (1) and 82 EC Treaty (TEC)) â€Å"tend by their very nature to produce direct effects in relations between i ndividuals†. National courts consequently have a duty to ensure that the relations between individuals are being adequately safeguarded. Arguably, individuals can not only seek protection under EU law against the state, but they can also seek protection against private individuals. Horizontal direct effect is generally used as a way for individuals to invoke EU legal rules and principles in respect of commercial activities. An example of this can be seen in Walrave v Association Union Internationale (36/74) [1974] ECR 1405; [1975] 1 CMLR 320 where the Court found that a measure, which affects a relationship between individuals, may be directly effective. Here, the prohibition of discrimination on the ground of nationality was deemed to have horizontal direct effect in respect of a relationship between individuals (employer and potential employee). Since the principle of direct effect was first established, citizens and undertakings have benefited substantially because of the fact that individual rights have been conferred upon them which the national authorities and courts must safeguard under EU law (Europa, 2013: 1). For example, Arts 101 and 102 TFEU are designed to ensure that competition within the EU is not restricted or distorted. This protects businesses and consumers from unfair competition and commercial practices by producing direct effects in relations between individuals. Art 101 (1) prohibits agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings or concreted practices which may affect trade between EU member states and which have as their object or effect their prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the EU as identified in Case C-41/90 Hofner and Elser [1991] ECR I-1979. Art 101 thus protects competitors and customers against dishonest behaviour, which is imperative in en suring free competition within the EU. The application of Art 101 has been subject to much controversy on the basis that it has been applied to broadly, thereby catching agreements that were not actually detrimental to competition (Whish, 2012: 115). This rendered Art 101 exorbitant and demonstrated the need for courts to apply it more rigidly (Bright, 1996: 535). Three categories of exemptions now apply to Art 101, namely; 1) commercial activities that are beneficial to consumers; 2) agreements of minor importance, and 3) block exemptions for different types of contract, such as vertical agreements (Bright, 1996: 535). As a result of these exemptions, the extent to which Art 101 is enforceable within member states is unclear and it is likely that consumers and businesses will have difficulty demonstrating that certain commercial activities fall within the ambit of this Article and subsequently invoking EU law against a private individual. EU competition law does not intend to stand in the way of legitimate commercial activities, but to instead promote and maintain fair competition within nation states (Europa, 2013: 1). Whilst this is often deemed necessary to prevent unfairness and to regulate anti-competitive conduct, unnecessary restraints are capable of being placed upon commercial activities (Rodger, et al; 2009: 103). Arguably, it is imperative that some exemptions do exist so that the application of Article 101 is not exorbitant. This ensures that any positive benefits stemming from an agreement are balanced against the restrictions that apply to Art 101. Article 102 TFEU is primarily aimed at preventing those undertakings who hold a dominant position in the market. Through the principle of direct effect, individuals will be capable of invoking this Article by showing that an undertaking who holds a dominant position in the market has abused its position as highlighted in Case 27/76, United Brands Continental BV v Commission (1978) ECR 207. Such abuse may include; unfair purchase selling prices, unfair trading conditions, restricting production and applying different provisions to similar transactions (Kennedy, 2011: 237). A degree of uncertainty surrounds the scope of Art 102 because of how serious a finding of infringement would be, which renders the extent to which Art 102 is being enforced in member states unclear. For a firm to be dominant, it is not necessary for there to exist no competition at all and instead it merely needs to be shown, as identified in Case 85/76 Hoffman-La Roche v Commission [1979] ECR 461, that the firm has an â€Å"appreciable influence on the conditions under which the competition develops†. It is likely to be extremely difficult for a private individual to establish that a firm has an appreciable influence on the conditions under which the competition develops and as such it is again questionable how far Art 102 will go in protecting private individuals and businesses through the principle of direct effect. Regulations are also subject to direct effect, meaning that they will be directly applicable in all EU member states, as provided for by Art 288 (ex Art 247 T EC). This was illustrated in Case C-253/00 Munoz [2002] ECR I-7289 when it was stated that â€Å"regulations operate to confer rights on individuals which the national courts have a duty to protect†. EU decisions and Directives are also directly effective in member states, as signified in Foster v British Gas (1990) C-188/89. This case exemplified the courts willingness to confer horizontal direct effect upon individuals and signified how EU law concerning commercial activities are enforceable within member states. Conclusion Overall, whilst there are some restrictions in place to regulate the application of EU law, it is evident that many EU rules and regulations will be capable of being enforced within all member states. This is necessary when it comes to commercial activities as it is important that some form of protection exists to prevent the market from being abused. The extent to which EU law applies will always be subject to some controversy because of the fact that certain exceptions will apply. Though this is necessary in preventing abuse and ensuring that a balance is being maintained. The extent to which this balance is achieved is likely to be open to much debate though it is evident that member states have made some attempt to invoke EU law provisions concerning commercial activities. References Bright, C. (1996) ‘EU Competition Policy: Rules, Objectives and Deregulation’ Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 16, Issue 4, 535-559. Dashwood, A. (2008) ‘The Principle of Direct Effect in European Community Law’, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 16, Issue 3, 229-245. Europa. (2013) ’50 Years of Direct Effect of EU Law Benefitting Citizens and Companies’ Press Release Database, [Online] Available: [27 August, 2014]. Rodger, B. MacCulloch, A. and Galloway, J. (2009) Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law, Oxford University Press: Oxford. Kaczorowska, A. (2013) European Union Law, Routledge: London. Kennedy, T. P. (2011) European Law, Oxford University Press: Oxford. Moens, G. and Trone, J. (2010) Commercial Law of the European Union, Springer Science & Business Media: London. Whish, R. (2012) Competition Law, Oxford University Press: Oxford. Cases Belgische Radio en Televisie v SV Saban (127/73) [1974] ECR 51 Case 85/76 Hoffman-La Roche v Commission [1979] ECR 461 Case C-41/90 Hofner and Elser [1991] ECR I-1979 Case 27/76, United Brands Continental BV v Commission (1978) ECR 207 Defrenne v SABENA [1974] ECR 631 Foster v British Gas (1990) C-188/89 Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen Case 26/62, [1963] ECR 1 Walrave v Association Union Internationale (36/74) [1974] ECR 1405; [1975] 1 CMLR 320

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr. and Aung San Suu Kyi Essay

Both Martin Luther King, Jr. and Aung San Suu Kyi were peacefully resistant social activists who used their views and outlooks on how life should be to change the world around them. While Aung San Suu Kyi lived in Burma and fought for a democracy in her country, Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for equal rights in America. During the movements they were leading and participating in, both Suu Kyi and King wrote exceptionally touching writings that are still seen as huge pieces of history today. Their writings touched people by showing them how extremely flawed their societies really were. During Martin Luther King, Jr.’s time in jail, he wrote a letter that is titled, â€Å"The Letter from Birmingham City Jail,† which explained that he was in Birmingham Jail because injustice was there, and he tells about how there should not be segregation. By contrast, in Aung San Suu Kyi’s writing, â€Å"In Quest of Democracy,† she wrote about her views on democracy and he r efforts to create one. They both wanted equality and more rights through non-violent means, and the way they wrote about those desires for justice was stirring to their people because each told familiar stories that related to personal experiences that their people had. Throughout all of King’s anti-segregation efforts, he was the head of many movements that impacted thousands. For instance, King was involved in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Albany Movement, Birmingham Campaign, March on Washington, the Chicago Housing Movement, and a few others. While King was in jail, he wrote a letter addressing the wrong things that were done to him and how he thought it was unjust. In his letter he wrote, â€Å"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere† (204). By saying this, he showed that the reason he was in Birmingham fighting for civil rights was because equal rights has to start somewhere, and once it starts, it will spread. Martin Luther King, Jr. shows how the States are hypocritical bec ause they claim, â€Å"The goal of America is freedom,† but yet they are being governed by Jim Crow Laws (215). King used the power of words and non-violent resistance to start a movement that changed the world. Aung San Suu Kyi was a woman that lived in Burma,  and after she studied abroad for a while, she returned to see how isolated her country was. She then made efforts to speak out against her dictator, U Ne Win, and start a movement toward a democracy and human rights. When Suu Kyi’s efforts started reaching other people and a movement was started, she was put under house arrest and all ties to the outside world were cut off. Aung San Suu Kyi wrote the piece, â€Å"In Quest of Democracy† to try to spread her efforts to make Burma a democracy. Suu Kyi explains how the government is at fault for a country’s despairs by saying, â€Å"The root of a nation’s misfortunes has to be sought in the moral failings of the government† (221). Suu Kyi also used her religion to help spread her movement of a democracy. For example, she use non-violence, which is the eighth of The Ten Duties of Kings. Finally, since Aung San Suu Kyi was put under house arrest, her movement ended with her isolation. Next, Aung San Suu Kyi and Martin Luther King Jr. were able to express their beliefs non-violently in their countries. Throughout both of their lives they followed Gandhi’s non-violence movement. While King stated, â€Å"Nonviolent campaigns aimed at ending racial segregation across the South† (202), Suu Kyi also â€Å"peacefully used democracy to reverse the process of decline† (222). While Christian was the main religion in America, Buddhism was the main religion in Burma. King and Suu Kyi used allusions to the scriptures of their religions to touch their people. Both King and Suu Kyi were extremely passionate about their movements and were determined to do anything they had to in order to reach their goals. Suu Kyi explains how, â€Å"In Burma, distanced by several decades of isolationism from political and intellectual developments in the outside world†. (220) Finally, they both had similar morals in the fact that they wanted equal rights for all humanity even though Suu Kyi was on house arrest and King was suppressed from being a different ethnicity. All in all, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Aung San Suu Kyi were social activists who created movements from their own views that changed many peoples’ lives. Both supported and acted in a non-violent way. Therefore, Aung San Suu Kyi fought against the dictator of her country in order to form a democracy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for anti-segregation, so that all Americans, no matter what ethnicity, would be treated equally. Each of them showed the people of their country how flawed their nation was by  writing pieces while imprisoned for committing no crime. For instance, in Amnesty International, it stated â€Å"She had committed no crime† (Amnesty International) describing how Suu Kyi was imprisoned for doing nothing wrong. Finally, both Aung San Suu Kyi and Martin Luther King, Jr. were persistent activists who aspired and conquered their goals and ambitions to the best of their ability. Works Cited Austin, Michael, and Karen Austin. Reading the World: Ideas That Matter. New York: W.W. Norton, 2007. Print.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How To Measure Mass Using a Balance

How To Measure Mass Using a Balance Mass measurements in chemistry and other sciences are performed using a balance. There are different types of scales and balances, but two methods can be used on most instruments to measure mass: subtraction and taring. Key Takeaways: Measure Mass Using a Balance A balance or scale is an instrument used to measure mass in the science laboratory.One common method of measuring mass is to tare the scale and measure the mass directly. For example, this is how people weigh themselves.The other common method is to place a sample into a container and measure the mass of the container plus sample. The mass of the sample is obtained by subtracting the mass of the container. Proper Use of a Balance Before using a balance, its important to take some preliminary steps. This will help ensure you get the most accurate and precise measurement. Be sure you understand how to use a balance before taking mass measurements.The balance should be clean and free of debris.The balance should be on a level surface.Never place a sample directly on the balance. You should use a weighted boat, weighing sheet, or another container to hold the sample. Some chemicals you may use in a lab could corrode or otherwise damage the surface of the weighing pan. Also, make certain your container will not chemically react with your sample.If the balance has doors, be certain to close them before taking a measurement. Air movement impacts the accuracy of mass measurements. If the balance does not have doors, make certain the area if free of drafts and vibrations before measuring mass. Mass by Difference or Subtraction If you place a container full of sample and weigh it, youre getting the mass of both the sample and the container, not just the sample. To find the mass: mass of sample mass of sample/container - mass of container Zero the scale or press the tare button. The balance should read 0.Measure the mass of the sample and container.Dispense the sample into your solution.Measure the mass of the container. Record the measurement using the correct number of significant figures. How many this is will depend on the particular instrument.If you repeat the process and use the same container, do not assume its mass is the same! This is particularly important when you are measuring small masses or are working in a humid environment or with a hygroscopic sample. Mass by Taring When you use the tare function on a scale, you are making certain the reading starts from zero. Usually, there is a labeled button or knob to tare the balance. With some instruments, you need to manually adjust the reading to zero. Electronic devices do this automatically, but require periodic calibration. Zero the scale or press the tare button. The scale reading should be 0.Place the weighing boat or dish on the scale. There is no need to record this value.Press the tare button on the scale. The balance reading should be 0.Add the sample to the container. The value given is the mass of your sample. Record it using the proper number of significant figures. Sources of Error Whenever you take a mass measurement, there are several potential sources of error: Air gusts may push the mass up or down.Buoyancy can affect measurements. Buoyancy is directly proportional to the air volume that is displaced and is affected by air density changes due to temperature and pressure fluctuations.Condensation of water on cold items may increase apparent mass.Dust accumulation can add to mass.Evaporation of water from damp items may change mass measurements over time.Magnetic fields may affect components of the scale.Temperature changes can cause components of the balance to expand or contract, so a measurement taken on a hot day may differ from one taken on a cold day.Vibration may make it difficult to obtain a value, as it will fluctuate. Is It Mass or Weight? Remember, a balance gives you a mass value. The mass would be the same whether you measured it on the Earth or on the Moon. On the other hand, the weight would be different on the Moon. While its common to use the terms mass and weight interchangeably, they are only the same values on Earth! Sources Hodgeman, Charles, Ed. (1961).  Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 44th Ed. Cleveland, USA: Chemical Rubber Publishing Co.  pp.  3480–3485.Rossi, Cesare; Russo, Flavio; Russo, Ferruccio (2009). Ancient Engineers Inventions: Precursors of the Present. History of Mechanism and Machine Science. ISBN 978-9048122523.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

When the Standard Deviation Is Equal to Zero

When the Standard Deviation Is Equal to Zero The sample standard deviation is a descriptive statistic that measures the spread of a quantitative data set. This number can be any non-negative real number. Since zero is a nonnegative real number, it seems worthwhile to ask, â€Å"When will the sample standard deviation be equal to zero?† This occurs in the very special and highly unusual case when all of our data values are exactly the same. We will explore the reasons why. Description of the Standard Deviation Two important questions that we typically want to answer about a data set include: What is the center of the dataset?How spread out is the set of data? There are different measurements, called descriptive statistics that answer these questions. For example, the center of the data, also known as the average, can be described in terms of the mean, median or mode. Other statistics, which are less well-known, can be used such as the midhinge or the trimean. For the spread of our data, we could use the range, the interquartile range or the standard deviation. The standard deviation is paired with the mean to quantify the spread of our data. We can then use this number to compare multiple data sets. The greater our standard deviation is, then the greater the spread is. Intuition So let’s consider from this description what it would mean to have a standard deviation of zero. This would indicate that there is no spread at all in our data set. All of the individual data values would be clumped together at a single value. Since there would only be one value that our data could have, this value would constitute the mean of our sample. In this situation, when all of our data values are the same, there would be no variation whatsoever. Intuitively it makes sense that the standard deviation of such a data set would be zero. Mathematical Proof The sample standard deviation is defined by a formula. So any statement such as the one above should be proved by using this formula. We begin with a data set that fits the description above: all values are identical, and there are n values equal to x. We calculate the mean of this data set and see that it is   x (x x . . . x)/n nx/n x. Now when we calculate the individual deviations from the mean, we see that all of these deviations are zero. Consequently, the variance and also the standard deviation are both equal to zero too. Necessary and Sufficient We see that if the data set displays no variation, then its standard deviation is zero. We may ask if the converse of this statement is also true. To see if it is, we will use the formula for standard deviation again. This time, however, we will set the standard deviation equal to zero. We will make no assumptions about our data set, but will see what setting s 0 implies Suppose that the standard deviation of a data set is equal to zero. This would imply that the sample variance s2 is also equal to zero. The result is the equation: 0 (1/(n - 1)) ∑ (xi - x )2 We multiply both sides of the equation by n - 1 and see that the sum of the squared deviations is equal to zero. Since we are working with real numbers, the only way for this to occur is for every one of the squared deviations to be equal to zero. This means that for every i, the term (xi - x )2 0. We now take the square root of the above equation and see that every deviation from the mean must be equal to zero. Since for all i, xi - x 0 This means that every data value is equal to the mean. This result along with the one above allows us to say that the sample standard deviation of a data set is zero if and only if all of its values are identical.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Education to Children of Illegal Immigrants Essay

Education to Children of Illegal Immigrants - Essay Example At the height of immigration to North America, the country coined the title â€Å"land of opportunity.† Denying free education to children of illegal immigrants defies the American dream and the hopes that people had for the new country (Schrag, 2010). Free education for all was the main factor that differentiated America from other European nations. American progress and development was based on the government’s ability to create uniformity among its citizens through free education for all. The American legal system recognizes a child as a person who is below the age of 18 years. Such individuals are not entitled to voting or making major decisions concerning their life. In addition, the US is a leading nation in terms of respect for human rights. It is evident that most children are illegal immigrants out of their own choice. Most of the children were born when their parents had already immigrated to the country. Thus, these children cannot be identified as illegal im migrants since they did not make a choice to be in the country. The government should respect their rights to free education until they are old enough to make concrete decisions about their citizenship. The American government should consider the long-term impacts of denying free education to the immigrants. Obviously, most immigrants have hopes of becoming legal citizens of the United States. If the government continuously denies education to its citizens based on their migration status, the country will experience an education gap (Hing, 2004). Education is a major factor in the country’s development, and hence the country should not tolerate illiteracy. Denying education to such children will create long-term economic hardships for the country. Educating children prevents them from... The American government should consider the long-term impacts of denying free education to the immigrants. Obviously, most immigrants have hopes of becoming legal citizens of the United States. If the government continuously denies education to its citizens based on their migration status, the country will experience an education gap (Hing, 2004). Education is a major factor in the country’s development, and hence the country should not tolerate illiteracy. Denying education to such children will create long-term economic hardships for the country. Educating children prevents them from engaging in other social evils such as crime, drug abuse, and terrorism. Therefore, the government should provide free education to the children of illegal immigrants to promote their integration into the American society.America has a global obligation that goes beyond its domestic affairs. However, due to economic constraints, America often overlooks its global obligations. America’s in volvement in global politics and economics has made the country a key factor in promoting stability and development. Since the end of World War II, the United States has been involved in all conflicts around the world. Most of these conflicts create immigrants, most of whom end up in America. For instance, the Cold War forced many people from former Soviet states to immigrate to America for fear of persecution. Lack of proper immigration policies made most of the immigrants end up in America as illegal immigrants.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Three questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Three questions - Essay Example A research was conducted, on managerial communication in hospital nursing, to identify obstacles and strategies to overcome these barriers. The research study involved the use of a qualitative approach that used 19 nurses from a university hospital. Semi-structured and vignette interviews were used as a mode of collecting data, and thematic analysis was employed as the technique of data analysis (dos Santos et al, 2012). The results garnered from the analysis of the participant nurses’ response to the interview questions provided interesting indicators. The results illustrated that there was fragmentation of work processes, work team involvement, work shifts and resistance to change (dos Santos et al, 2012). To counter these difficulties and challenges, training programs and workshops were held, which were meant to impart the basic and necessary communication skills essential to successful nursing practice. The training covered aspects such as formalization of conduct, communi cation and optimization of communication (Dos Santos et al. 2012). The results were able to illustrate the importance of effective communication in the execution of nursing duties. This is because communication affects the way that change is executed; this is in the sense that effective communication makes it easier for people to accept change. ... A negative attitude will negate their efforts in a manner that will diminish their ability or efforts in carrying out their duties. Attitude determines whether an individual is motivated or not towards their job or other responsibilities they are tasked with executing. In a work situation, the motivational levels of employees towards their work are a significant factor that should be considered by those heading human resource departments (HR) (Oldham & Hackman, 2010). This is because employees are highly motivated to improve operations in the workplace that results into better production of goods and services. HR managers should ensure that the job description of any task, which employees are delegated to, has an element (s) that serves to boost their morale, which translates to a positive attitude in the employee towards their work detail. When employees are given jobs that they deem demeaning or oppressive to them, they develop a negative attitude towards their job. This limits the ir performance, which usually manifests in the quality of the work done at the end of the day (Oldham & Hackman, 2010). To ensure that employees are satisfied with the type of work they are delegated, HR managers should adopt mechanisms of involving their employees in job design and implementation. This gives employee the chance to influence and have a say in matters that affect them directly. Involving employees in job design and implementation helps a firm achieve enhanced employee harmony, satisfaction, loyalty and the overall increase in productivity (Oldham & Hackman, 2010). Maslow’s theory states that humans are driven by their needs that predispose them to self-actualization that motivates